Model produced by FindBestModel.
Represents a distribution of values.
Represents a distribution of values.
The type T of the values generated.
Evaluates and chooses the best model from a list of models.
Evaluates and chooses the best model from a list of models.
Represents a parameter grid for tuning with discrete values.
Represents a parameter grid for tuning with discrete values. Can be generated with the ParamGridBuilder.
Specifies the search space for hyperparameters.
Represents a generator of parameters with specified distributions added by the HyperparamBuilder.
Tunes model hyperparameters
Tunes model hyperparameters
Allows user to specify multiple untrained models to tune using various search strategies. Currently supports cross validation with random grid search.
Model produced by TuneHyperparameters.
Model produced by TuneHyperparameters.
Provides good default hyperparameter ranges and values for sweeping.
Provides good default hyperparameter ranges and values for sweeping. Publicly visible to users so they can easily select the parameters for sweeping.
Model produced by FindBestModel.