Spark DataType corresponding to type T
Returns the index of the given level, can throw
Returns the index of a given level as Option; does not throw
Returns the level of the given index; can throw
Returns the level of the given index as Option; does not throw
Checks if the given level exists
A flag that indicates if the data are ordinal
The level values are assumed to be already sorted as needed
Total number of levels
Add categorical levels and in either MML or MLlib style metadata
Add categorical levels and in either MML or MLlib style metadata
MML (true) or MLlib metadata (false)
Add categorical levels to existing Spark Metadata
Add categorical levels to existing Spark Metadata
[tag, categorical metadata] pair is added to existingMetadata, where tag is either MLlib or MML
MML (true) or MLlib metadata (false)
A wrapper around level maps: Map[T -> Int] and Map[Int -> T] that converts the data to/from Spark Metadata in both MLib and AzureML formats.
Input levels could be String, Double, Int, Long, Boolean