


package image

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ImageFeaturizer extends Transformer with HasInputCol with HasOutputCol with Wrappable with ComplexParamsWritable


    The ImageFeaturizer relies on a CNTK model to do the featurization, one can set this model using the modelLocation parameter.

    The ImageFeaturizer relies on a CNTK model to do the featurization, one can set this model using the modelLocation parameter. To map the nodes of the CNTK model onto the standard "layers" structure of a feed forward neural net, one needs to supply a list of node names that range from the output node, back towards the input node of the CNTK Function. This list does not need to be exhaustive, and is provided to you if you use a model downloaded from the ModelDownloader, one can find this layer list in the schema of the downloaded model.

    The ImageFeaturizer takes an input column of images (the type returned by the ImageReader), and automatically resizes them to fit the CMTKModel's inputs. It then feeds them through a pre-trained CNTK model. One can truncate the model using the cutOutputLayers parameter that determines how many layers to truncate from the output of the network. For example, layer=0 means that no layers are removed, layer=2 means that the image featurizer returns the activations of the layer that is two layers from the output layer.

  2. class ImageSetAugmenter extends Transformer with HasInputCol with HasOutputCol with DefaultParamsWritable

  3. class ResizeImageTransformer extends Transformer with HasInputCol with HasOutputCol with Wrappable with DefaultParamsWritable

  4. class UnrollBinaryImage extends Transformer with HasInputCol with HasOutputCol with Wrappable with DefaultParamsWritable


    Converts the representation of an m X n pixel image to an m * n vector of Doubles

    Converts the representation of an m X n pixel image to an m * n vector of Doubles

    The input column name is assumed to be "image", the output column name is "<uid>_output"

  5. class UnrollImage extends Transformer with HasInputCol with HasOutputCol with Wrappable with DefaultParamsWritable


    Converts the representation of an m X n pixel image to an m * n vector of Doubles

    Converts the representation of an m X n pixel image to an m * n vector of Doubles

    The input column name is assumed to be "image", the output column name is "<uid>_output"

Value Members

  1. object ImageFeaturizer extends ComplexParamsReadable[ImageFeaturizer] with Serializable

  2. object ImageSetAugmenter extends DefaultParamsReadable[ImageSetAugmenter] with Serializable

  3. object ResizeImageTransformer extends DefaultParamsReadable[ResizeImageTransformer] with Serializable

  4. object ResizeUtils

  5. object UnrollBinaryImage extends DefaultParamsReadable[UnrollBinaryImage] with Serializable

  6. object UnrollImage extends DefaultParamsReadable[UnrollImage] with Serializable

