Source code for mmlspark.cyber.utils.spark_utils

from typing import Any, List, Union

from import HasInputCol, HasOutputCol, Param
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame, SparkSession, functions as f, types as t
from pyspark.sql.window import Window

__all__ = ["DataFrameUtils", "ExplainBuilder"]

[docs]class DataFrameUtils: """ Extension methods over Spark DataFrame """
[docs] @staticmethod def get_spark_session(df: DataFrame) -> SparkSession: """ get the associated Spark session Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame the dataframe of which we want to get its Spark session """ return df.sql_ctx.sparkSession
[docs] @staticmethod def make_empty(df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame: """ make an empty dataframe with the same schema Parameters ---------- df the dataframe whose schema we wish to use Returns an empty dataframe ------- """ return DataFrameUtils.get_spark_session(df).createDataFrame([], df.schema)
# noinspection PyDefaultArgument
[docs] @staticmethod def zip_with_index( df: DataFrame, start_index: int = 0, col_name: str = 'rowId', partition_col: Union[List[str], str] = [], order_by_col: Union[List[str], str] = []) -> DataFrame: """ add an index to the given dataframe Parameters ---------- df : dataframe the dataframe to add the index to start_index : int the value to start the count from col_name : str the name of the index column which will be added as last column in the output data frame partition_col : Union[List[str], str] optional column name or list of columns names that define a partitioning to assign indices independently to, e.g., assign sequential indices separately to each distinct tenant order_by_col : Union[List[str], str] optional order by column name or list of columns that are used for sorting the data frame or partitions before indexing """ if df is None: raise ValueError("df cannot be None") if col_name is None: raise ValueError("col_name cannot be None") if partition_col is None: raise ValueError("partition_col cannot be None") if order_by_col is None: raise ValueError("order_by_col cannot be None") # coalese input columns to arrays from singular strings partition_col = partition_col if isinstance(partition_col, list) else [partition_col] order_by_col = order_by_col if isinstance(order_by_col, list) else [order_by_col] if len(partition_col) > 0: partition_columns = [f.col(cn) for cn in partition_col] window = Window.partitionBy(*partition_columns) if len(order_by_col) > 0: order_by_columns = [f.col(cn) for cn in order_by_col] window = window.orderBy(*order_by_columns) return df.withColumn(col_name, f.row_number().over(window) - 1 + start_index) else: if len(order_by_col) > 0: order_by_columns = [f.col(cn) for cn in order_by_col] df = df.orderBy(*order_by_columns) output_schema = t.StructType(df.schema.fields + [t.StructField(col_name, t.LongType(), True)]) return df.rdd.zipWithIndex().map(lambda line: (list(line[0]) + [line[1] + start_index])).toDF(output_schema)
def to_camel_case(prefix: str, varname: str) -> str: parts = varname.split('_') first = parts[0][0:1].upper() + parts[0][1:] if prefix != '' else parts[0] residual = [pp[0:1].upper() + pp[1:] for pp in parts[1:]] return prefix + ''.join([first] + residual) def from_camel_case(cc: str) -> str: return ''.join([str(c) if not c.isupper() else '_' + c.lower() for c in cc]) def make_get_param(param_name: str): def get_param(this): return this.getOrDefault(getattr(this, param_name)) return get_param def make_set_param(param_name: str): def set_param(this, value): # noinspection PyProtectedMember return this._set(**{param_name: value}) return set_param
[docs]class ExplainBuilder:
[docs] @staticmethod def get_methods(the_explainable): return [method_name for method_name in dir(the_explainable) if callable(getattr(the_explainable, method_name))]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_method(the_explainable, the_method_name): try: return getattr(type(the_explainable), the_method_name) except AttributeError: return None
[docs] @staticmethod def copy_params(from_explainable: Any, to_explainable: Any): param_map = { varname: vv for varname, vv in from_explainable.__dict__.items() if isinstance(varname, str) and isinstance(vv, Param) } for varname, vv in param_map.items(): setattr(to_explainable.__class__, varname, vv)
[docs] @staticmethod def build(explainable: Any, **kwargs): # copy to avoid changing while iterating param_map = { varname: vv for varname, vv in explainable.__dict__.items() if isinstance(varname, str) and isinstance(vv, Param) } for varname, vv in param_map.items(): param_name = from_camel_case( assert param_name !=, f"must use a camelCase name so that it is different from camel_case" add_getter_and_setter = True if isinstance(explainable, HasInputCol) and == 'inputCol': add_getter_and_setter = False elif isinstance(explainable, HasOutputCol) and == 'outputCol': add_getter_and_setter = False assert param_name == from_camel_case(varname), (param_name, varname, from_camel_case(varname)) getter = make_get_param(varname) setter = make_set_param(varname) if add_getter_and_setter: setattr(explainable.__class__, to_camel_case('get', param_name), getter) setattr(explainable.__class__, to_camel_case('set', param_name), setter) else: assert ExplainBuilder.get_method(explainable, to_camel_case('get', param_name)) is not None, 'no_getter' assert ExplainBuilder.get_method(explainable, to_camel_case('set', param_name)) is not None, 'no_setter' setattr(explainable.__class__, f"{param_name}", property(getter, setter)) # noinspection PyProtectedMember explainable._set(**kwargs)
class HasSetInputCol(HasInputCol): def setInputCol(self, value): """ Sets the value of :py:attr:`inputCol`. """ return self.set(self.inputCol, value) class HasSetOutputCol(HasOutputCol): def setOutputCol(self, value): """ Sets the value of :py:attr:`outputCol`. """ return self.set(self.outputCol, value)