Source code for mmlspark.cognitive.VerifyFaces

# Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.

import sys
if sys.version >= '3':
    basestring = str

from pyspark import SparkContext, SQLContext
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame
from import *
from pyspark import keyword_only
from import JavaMLReadable, JavaMLWritable
from mmlspark.core.serialize.java_params_patch import *
from import JavaTransformer, JavaEstimator, JavaModel
from import inherit_doc
from mmlspark.core.schema.Utils import *
from mmlspark.core.schema.TypeConversionUtils import generateTypeConverter, complexTypeConverter

[docs]@inherit_doc class VerifyFaces(ComplexParamsMixin, JavaMLReadable, JavaMLWritable, JavaTransformer): """ Args: concurrency (int): max number of concurrent calls (default: 1) concurrentTimeout (double): max number seconds to wait on futures if concurrency >= 1 (default: 100.0) errorCol (str): column to hold http errors (default: [self.uid]_error) faceId (object): faceId of the face, comes from Face - Detect. faceId1 (object): faceId of one face, comes from Face - Detect. faceId2 (object): faceId of another face, comes from Face - Detect. handler (object): Which strategy to use when handling requests (default: UserDefinedFunction(<function2>,StringType,None)) largePersonGroupId (object): Using existing largePersonGroupId and personId for fast adding a specified person. largePersonGroupId is created in LargePersonGroup - Create. Parameter personGroupId and largePersonGroupId should not be provided at the same time. outputCol (str): The name of the output column (default: [self.uid]_output) personGroupId (object): Using existing personGroupId and personId for fast loading a specified person. personGroupId is created in PersonGroup - Create. Parameter personGroupId and largePersonGroupId should not be provided at the same time. personId (object): Specify a certain person in a person group or a large person group. personId is created in PersonGroup Person - Create or LargePersonGroup Person - Create. subscriptionKey (object): the API key to use timeout (double): number of seconds to wait before closing the connection (default: 60.0) url (str): Url of the service """ @keyword_only def __init__(self, concurrency=1, concurrentTimeout=100.0, errorCol=None, faceId=None, faceId1=None, faceId2=None, handler=None, largePersonGroupId=None, outputCol=None, personGroupId=None, personId=None, subscriptionKey=None, timeout=60.0, url=None): super(VerifyFaces, self).__init__() self._java_obj = self._new_java_obj("") self._cache = {} self.concurrency = Param(self, "concurrency", "concurrency: max number of concurrent calls (default: 1)") self._setDefault(concurrency=1) self.concurrentTimeout = Param(self, "concurrentTimeout", "concurrentTimeout: max number seconds to wait on futures if concurrency >= 1 (default: 100.0)") self._setDefault(concurrentTimeout=100.0) self.errorCol = Param(self, "errorCol", "errorCol: column to hold http errors (default: [self.uid]_error)") self._setDefault(errorCol=self.uid + "_error") self.faceId = Param(self, "faceId", "faceId: faceId of the face, comes from Face - Detect.") self.faceId1 = Param(self, "faceId1", "faceId1: faceId of one face, comes from Face - Detect.") self.faceId2 = Param(self, "faceId2", "faceId2: faceId of another face, comes from Face - Detect.") self.handler = Param(self, "handler", "handler: Which strategy to use when handling requests (default: UserDefinedFunction(<function2>,StringType,None))", generateTypeConverter("handler", self._cache, complexTypeConverter)) self.largePersonGroupId = Param(self, "largePersonGroupId", "largePersonGroupId: Using existing largePersonGroupId and personId for fast adding a specified person. largePersonGroupId is created in LargePersonGroup - Create. Parameter personGroupId and largePersonGroupId should not be provided at the same time.") self.outputCol = Param(self, "outputCol", "outputCol: The name of the output column (default: [self.uid]_output)") self._setDefault(outputCol=self.uid + "_output") self.personGroupId = Param(self, "personGroupId", "personGroupId: Using existing personGroupId and personId for fast loading a specified person. personGroupId is created in PersonGroup - Create. Parameter personGroupId and largePersonGroupId should not be provided at the same time.") self.personId = Param(self, "personId", "personId: Specify a certain person in a person group or a large person group. personId is created in PersonGroup Person - Create or LargePersonGroup Person - Create.") self.subscriptionKey = Param(self, "subscriptionKey", "subscriptionKey: the API key to use") self.timeout = Param(self, "timeout", "timeout: number of seconds to wait before closing the connection (default: 60.0)") self._setDefault(timeout=60.0) self.url = Param(self, "url", "url: Url of the service") if hasattr(self, "_input_kwargs"): kwargs = self._input_kwargs else: kwargs = self.__init__._input_kwargs self.setParams(**kwargs)
[docs] @keyword_only def setParams(self, concurrency=1, concurrentTimeout=100.0, errorCol=None, faceId=None, faceId1=None, faceId2=None, handler=None, largePersonGroupId=None, outputCol=None, personGroupId=None, personId=None, subscriptionKey=None, timeout=60.0, url=None): """ Set the (keyword only) parameters Args: concurrency (int): max number of concurrent calls (default: 1) concurrentTimeout (double): max number seconds to wait on futures if concurrency >= 1 (default: 100.0) errorCol (str): column to hold http errors (default: [self.uid]_error) faceId (object): faceId of the face, comes from Face - Detect. faceId1 (object): faceId of one face, comes from Face - Detect. faceId2 (object): faceId of another face, comes from Face - Detect. handler (object): Which strategy to use when handling requests (default: UserDefinedFunction(<function2>,StringType,None)) largePersonGroupId (object): Using existing largePersonGroupId and personId for fast adding a specified person. largePersonGroupId is created in LargePersonGroup - Create. Parameter personGroupId and largePersonGroupId should not be provided at the same time. outputCol (str): The name of the output column (default: [self.uid]_output) personGroupId (object): Using existing personGroupId and personId for fast loading a specified person. personGroupId is created in PersonGroup - Create. Parameter personGroupId and largePersonGroupId should not be provided at the same time. personId (object): Specify a certain person in a person group or a large person group. personId is created in PersonGroup Person - Create or LargePersonGroup Person - Create. subscriptionKey (object): the API key to use timeout (double): number of seconds to wait before closing the connection (default: 60.0) url (str): Url of the service """ if hasattr(self, "_input_kwargs"): kwargs = self._input_kwargs else: kwargs = self.__init__._input_kwargs return self._set(**kwargs)
[docs] def getConcurrency(self): """ Returns: int: max number of concurrent calls (default: 1) """ return self.getOrDefault(self.concurrency)
[docs] def getConcurrentTimeout(self): """ Returns: double: max number seconds to wait on futures if concurrency >= 1 (default: 100.0) """ return self.getOrDefault(self.concurrentTimeout)
[docs] def getErrorCol(self): """ Returns: str: column to hold http errors (default: [self.uid]_error) """ return self.getOrDefault(self.errorCol)
[docs] def getFaceId(self): """ Returns: object: faceId of the face, comes from Face - Detect. """ return self._cache.get("faceId", None)
[docs] def getFaceId1(self): """ Returns: object: faceId of one face, comes from Face - Detect. """ return self._cache.get("faceId1", None)
[docs] def getFaceId2(self): """ Returns: object: faceId of another face, comes from Face - Detect. """ return self._cache.get("faceId2", None)
[docs] def getHandler(self): """ Returns: object: Which strategy to use when handling requests (default: UserDefinedFunction(<function2>,StringType,None)) """ return self._cache.get("handler", None)
[docs] def getLargePersonGroupId(self): """ Returns: object: Using existing largePersonGroupId and personId for fast adding a specified person. largePersonGroupId is created in LargePersonGroup - Create. Parameter personGroupId and largePersonGroupId should not be provided at the same time. """ return self._cache.get("largePersonGroupId", None)
[docs] def getOutputCol(self): """ Returns: str: The name of the output column (default: [self.uid]_output) """ return self.getOrDefault(self.outputCol)
[docs] def getPersonGroupId(self): """ Returns: object: Using existing personGroupId and personId for fast loading a specified person. personGroupId is created in PersonGroup - Create. Parameter personGroupId and largePersonGroupId should not be provided at the same time. """ return self._cache.get("personGroupId", None)
[docs] def getPersonId(self): """ Returns: object: Specify a certain person in a person group or a large person group. personId is created in PersonGroup Person - Create or LargePersonGroup Person - Create. """ return self._cache.get("personId", None)
[docs] def getSubscriptionKey(self): """ Returns: object: the API key to use """ return self._cache.get("subscriptionKey", None)
[docs] def getTimeout(self): """ Returns: double: number of seconds to wait before closing the connection (default: 60.0) """ return self.getOrDefault(self.timeout)
[docs] def getUrl(self): """ Returns: str: Url of the service """ return self.getOrDefault(self.url)
[docs] def setConcurrency(self, value): """ Args: concurrency: max number of concurrent calls (default: 1) """ self._set(concurrency=value) return self
[docs] def setConcurrentTimeout(self, value): """ Args: concurrentTimeout: max number seconds to wait on futures if concurrency >= 1 (default: 100.0) """ self._set(concurrentTimeout=value) return self
[docs] def setErrorCol(self, value): """ Args: errorCol: column to hold http errors (default: [self.uid]_error) """ self._set(errorCol=value) return self
[docs] def setFaceId(self, value): """ Args: faceId: faceId of the face, comes from Face - Detect. """ self._java_obj = self._java_obj.setFaceId(value) return self
[docs] def setFaceIdCol(self, value): """ Args: faceId: faceId of the face, comes from Face - Detect. """ self._java_obj = self._java_obj.setFaceIdCol(value) return self
[docs] def setFaceId1(self, value): """ Args: faceId1: faceId of one face, comes from Face - Detect. """ self._java_obj = self._java_obj.setFaceId1(value) return self
[docs] def setFaceId1Col(self, value): """ Args: faceId1: faceId of one face, comes from Face - Detect. """ self._java_obj = self._java_obj.setFaceId1Col(value) return self
[docs] def setFaceId2(self, value): """ Args: faceId2: faceId of another face, comes from Face - Detect. """ self._java_obj = self._java_obj.setFaceId2(value) return self
[docs] def setFaceId2Col(self, value): """ Args: faceId2: faceId of another face, comes from Face - Detect. """ self._java_obj = self._java_obj.setFaceId2Col(value) return self
[docs] def setHandler(self, value): """ Args: handler: Which strategy to use when handling requests (default: UserDefinedFunction(<function2>,StringType,None)) """ self._set(handler=value) return self
[docs] def setLargePersonGroupId(self, value): """ Args: largePersonGroupId: Using existing largePersonGroupId and personId for fast adding a specified person. largePersonGroupId is created in LargePersonGroup - Create. Parameter personGroupId and largePersonGroupId should not be provided at the same time. """ self._java_obj = self._java_obj.setLargePersonGroupId(value) return self
[docs] def setLargePersonGroupIdCol(self, value): """ Args: largePersonGroupId: Using existing largePersonGroupId and personId for fast adding a specified person. largePersonGroupId is created in LargePersonGroup - Create. Parameter personGroupId and largePersonGroupId should not be provided at the same time. """ self._java_obj = self._java_obj.setLargePersonGroupIdCol(value) return self
[docs] def setOutputCol(self, value): """ Args: outputCol: The name of the output column (default: [self.uid]_output) """ self._set(outputCol=value) return self
[docs] def setPersonGroupId(self, value): """ Args: personGroupId: Using existing personGroupId and personId for fast loading a specified person. personGroupId is created in PersonGroup - Create. Parameter personGroupId and largePersonGroupId should not be provided at the same time. """ self._java_obj = self._java_obj.setPersonGroupId(value) return self
[docs] def setPersonGroupIdCol(self, value): """ Args: personGroupId: Using existing personGroupId and personId for fast loading a specified person. personGroupId is created in PersonGroup - Create. Parameter personGroupId and largePersonGroupId should not be provided at the same time. """ self._java_obj = self._java_obj.setPersonGroupIdCol(value) return self
[docs] def setPersonId(self, value): """ Args: personId: Specify a certain person in a person group or a large person group. personId is created in PersonGroup Person - Create or LargePersonGroup Person - Create. """ self._java_obj = self._java_obj.setPersonId(value) return self
[docs] def setPersonIdCol(self, value): """ Args: personId: Specify a certain person in a person group or a large person group. personId is created in PersonGroup Person - Create or LargePersonGroup Person - Create. """ self._java_obj = self._java_obj.setPersonIdCol(value) return self
[docs] def setSubscriptionKey(self, value): """ Args: subscriptionKey: the API key to use """ self._java_obj = self._java_obj.setSubscriptionKey(value) return self
[docs] def setSubscriptionKeyCol(self, value): """ Args: subscriptionKey: the API key to use """ self._java_obj = self._java_obj.setSubscriptionKeyCol(value) return self
[docs] def setTimeout(self, value): """ Args: timeout: number of seconds to wait before closing the connection (default: 60.0) """ self._set(timeout=value) return self
[docs] def setUrl(self, value): """ Args: url: Url of the service """ self._set(url=value) return self
[docs] def setLocation(self, value): self._java_obj = self._java_obj.setLocation(value) return self
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls): """ Returns an MLReader instance for this class. """ return JavaMMLReader(cls)
[docs] @staticmethod def getJavaPackage(): """ Returns package name String. """ return ""
@staticmethod def _from_java(java_stage): module_name=VerifyFaces.__module__ module_name=module_name.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".VerifyFaces" return from_java(java_stage, module_name)