Source code for

__author__ = "rolevin"

from typing import List

from import (

from import Estimator, Transformer
from import HasInputCol, HasOutputCol, Param, Params
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame, functions as f

[docs]class IdIndexerModel(Transformer, HasSetInputCol, HasSetOutputCol): partitionKey = Param( Params._dummy(), "partitionKey", "The name of the column to partition by, i.e., make sure the indexing takes the partition into account. " "This is exemplified in reset_per_partition.", ) def __init__( self, input_col: str, partition_key: str, output_col: str, vocab_df: DataFrame, ): super().__init__() self, inputCol=input_col, partitionKey=partition_key, outputCol=output_col, ) self._vocab_df = vocab_df
[docs] def undo_transform(self, df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame: ucols = [self.partition_key, self.output_col] vocab_df = self._vocab_df return df.join(vocab_df, on=ucols, how="left_outer")
def _transform(self, df): ucols = [self.partition_key, self.input_col] input_col = self.input_col output_col = self.output_col vocab_df = self._vocab_df return ( df.join(vocab_df, on=ucols, how="left_outer") .withColumn( output_col, f.when(f.col(output_col).isNotNull(), f.col(output_col)).otherwise( f.lit(0), ), ) .drop(input_col) )
[docs]class IdIndexer(Estimator, HasSetInputCol, HasSetOutputCol): partitionKey = Param( Params._dummy(), "partitionKey", "The name of the column to partition by, i.e., make sure the indexing takes the partition into account. " "This is exemplified in reset_per_partition.", ) resetPerPartition = Param( Params._dummy(), "resetPerPartition", "When set to True then indexing is consecutive from [1..n] for each value of the partition column. " "When set to False then indexing is consecutive for all partition and column values.", ) def __init__( self, input_col: str, partition_key: str, output_col: str, reset_per_partition: bool, ): super().__init__() self, inputCol=input_col, partitionKey=partition_key, outputCol=output_col, resetPerPartition=reset_per_partition, ) def _make_vocab_df(self, df): ucols = [self.getPartitionKey(), self.getInputCol()] the_df = return ( DataFrameUtils.zip_with_index( df=the_df, start_index=1, col_name=self.getOutputCol(), partition_col=self.getPartitionKey(), order_by_col=self.getInputCol(), ) if self.getResetPerPartition() else DataFrameUtils.zip_with_index( df=the_df, start_index=1, col_name=self.getOutputCol(), ) ) def _fit(self, df: DataFrame) -> IdIndexerModel: return IdIndexerModel( self.input_col, self.partition_key, self.output_col, self._make_vocab_df(df).cache(), )
[docs]class MultiIndexerModel(Transformer): def __init__(self, models: List[IdIndexerModel]): super().__init__() self.models = models
[docs] def get_model_by_input_col(self, input_col): for m in self.models: if m.input_col == input_col: return m return None
[docs] def get_model_by_output_col(self, output_col): for m in self.models: if m.output_col == output_col: return m return None
[docs] def undo_transform(self, df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame: curr_df = df.cache() for model in self.models: curr_df = model.undo_transform(curr_df).cache() return curr_df
def _transform(self, df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame: curr_df = df.cache() for model in self.models: curr_df = model.transform(curr_df).cache() return curr_df
[docs]class MultiIndexer(Estimator): def __init__(self, indexers: List[IdIndexer]): super().__init__() self.indexers = indexers def _fit(self, df: DataFrame) -> MultiIndexerModel: return MultiIndexerModel([ for i in self.indexers])