Source code for

# Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.
import os
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame

PLATFORM_SYNAPSE_INTERNAL = "synapse_internal"
SECRET_STORE = "mmlspark-build-keys"
SYNAPSE_PROJECT_NAME = "Microsoft.ProjectArcadia"

[docs]def current_platform(): if os.environ.get("AZURE_SERVICE", None) == SYNAPSE_PROJECT_NAME: from pyspark.sql import SparkSession sc = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate().sparkContext cluster_type = sc.getConf().get("spark.cluster.type") if cluster_type == "synapse": return PLATFORM_SYNAPSE else: return PLATFORM_SYNAPSE_INTERNAL elif "dbfs" in os.listdir("/"): return PLATFORM_DATABRICKS elif os.environ.get("BINDER_LAUNCH_HOST", None) is not None: return PLATFORM_BINDER else: return PLATFORM_UNKNOWN
[docs]def running_on_synapse_internal(): return current_platform() is PLATFORM_SYNAPSE_INTERNAL
[docs]def running_on_synapse(): return current_platform() is PLATFORM_SYNAPSE
[docs]def running_on_binder(): return current_platform() is PLATFORM_BINDER
[docs]def running_on_databricks(): return current_platform() is PLATFORM_DATABRICKS
[docs]def find_secret(secret_name, keyvault): try: if running_on_synapse(): from notebookutils.mssparkutils.credentials import getSecret return getSecret(keyvault, secret_name) elif running_on_synapse_internal(): from notebookutils.mssparkutils.credentials import getSecret keyVaultURL = f"https://{keyvault}" return getSecret(keyVaultURL, secret_name) elif running_on_databricks(): from pyspark.sql import SparkSession from pyspark.dbutils import DBUtils spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate() dbutils = DBUtils(spark) return dbutils.secrets.get(scope=keyvault, key=secret_name) else: raise RuntimeError("get secret is not supported on this platform.") except: raise RuntimeError( f"Could not find {secret_name} in keyvault {keyvault}. " f"If you are trying to use the mmlspark-buil-keys keyvault, you cant! " f"You need to make your own keyvault with secrets or replace this call with a string. " f"Make sure your notebook has access to a " f"keyvault named {keyvault} which contains a secret named {secret_name}. " f"On synapse, use a linked service keyvault, " f"on databricks use their secrets management sdk, " f"on fabric make sure your azure identity can access your azure keyvault. " f"If you want to avoid making a keyvault, replace this call to find secret with your secret as a string " f"like my_secret = 'jdiej38dnal.....'. Note that this has " f"security implications for publishing and sharing notebooks! " f"Please see the documentation for more information. " f"" )
[docs]def materializing_display(data): if running_on_synapse() or running_on_synapse_internal(): from notebookutils.visualization import display if isinstance(data, DataFrame): data.collect() display(data) else: print(data)