
package openai

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class CompletionResponse(id: String, object: String, created: String, model: String, choices: Seq[OpenAIChoice]) extends Product with Serializable
  2. class DelimiterParser extends OutputParser
  3. case class EmbeddingObject(object: String, embedding: Array[Double], index: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  4. case class EmbeddingResponse(object: String, data: Seq[EmbeddingObject], model: String) extends Product with Serializable
  5. trait HasAPIVersion extends HasServiceParams
  6. trait HasBatchIndexPrompt extends HasServiceParams
  7. trait HasBatchPrompt extends HasServiceParams
  8. trait HasDeploymentName extends HasServiceParams
  9. trait HasIndexPrompt extends HasServiceParams
  10. trait HasMaxTokens extends HasServiceParams
  11. trait HasModel extends HasServiceParams
  12. trait HasOpenAIParams extends HasServiceParams with HasPrompt with HasBatchPrompt with HasIndexPrompt with HasBatchIndexPrompt with HasTemperature with HasModel with HasStop with HasAPIVersion with HasDeploymentName with HasMaxTokens
  13. trait HasPrompt extends HasServiceParams
  14. trait HasStop extends HasServiceParams
  15. trait HasTemperature extends HasServiceParams
  16. class JsonParser extends OutputParser
  17. case class OpenAIChoice(text: String, index: Long, logprobs: Option[OpenAILogProbs], finish_reason: String) extends Product with Serializable
  18. class OpenAICompletion extends CognitiveServicesBase with HasOpenAIParams with HasCognitiveServiceInput with HasInternalJsonOutputParser with SynapseMLLogging
  19. class OpenAIEmbedding extends CognitiveServicesBase with HasServiceParams with HasAPIVersion with HasDeploymentName with HasCognitiveServiceInput with SynapseMLLogging
  20. case class OpenAILogProbs(tokens: Seq[String], token_logprobs: Seq[Double], top_logprobs: Seq[Map[String, Double]], text_offset: Seq[Long]) extends Product with Serializable
  21. class OpenAIPrompt extends Transformer with HasAPIVersion with HasDeploymentName with HasMaxTokens with HasTemperature with HasModel with HasStop with HasURL with HasSubscriptionKey with HasAADToken with ComplexParamsWritable with HasErrorCol with ConcurrencyParams with HasOutputCol with HasCustomCogServiceDomain with SynapseMLLogging
  22. trait OutputParser extends AnyRef
  23. class PassThroughParser extends OutputParser
  24. class RegexParser extends OutputParser
