


final class LeastSquaresRegression extends RegressionBase

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. LeastSquaresRegression
  2. RegressionBase
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new LeastSquaresRegression()

Value Members

  1. def fit(data: Matrix[Double], outputs: Vector[Double], sampleWeights: Vector[Double], fitIntercept: Boolean): RegressionResult
    Definition Classes
  2. def fit(data: Matrix[Double], outputs: Vector[Double], fitIntercept: Boolean): RegressionResult
    Definition Classes
  3. implicit lazy val sumImpl: breeze.linalg.sum.Impl[BroadcastedColumns[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseVector[Double]], Transpose[DenseVector[Double]]]

    Provides an implementation for sum operation of BroadcastedColumns in breeze.

    Provides an implementation for sum operation of BroadcastedColumns in breeze. Spark 3.0.* and 3.1.* depends on breeze 1.0 and Spark 3.2.* depends on breeze 1.2, and there is a breaking change in the way the implicit sum implementation is provided. In breeze 1.0, the implementation is constructed via sum.vectorizeCols_Double(ClassTag[Double], Zero.DoubleZero, sum.helper_Double), while in breeze 1.2, it's constructed via sum.vectorizeCols_Double(sum.helper_Double) If our code is compiled against Spark 3.2.0/breeze 1.0, the scala compiler implicitly constructs the implementation via sum.vectorizeCols_Double(ClassTag[Double], Zero.DoubleZero, sum.helper_Double), which does not exist in breeze 1.2, thus causing java.lang.NoSuchMethodError when running on Spark 3.2.0. Conversely, if our code is compiled against Spark 3.2.0/breeze 1.2, it will cause java.lang.NoSuchMethodError when running on Spark 3.0.* and 3.1.*. Workaround: use reflection to construct the implementation.

    Definition Classes