package downloader
Type Members
ModelDownloader extends Client
Class for downloading models from a server to Local or HDFS
ModelNotFoundException extends FileNotFoundException
Exception returned if a repo cannot find the file
case class
ModelSchema(name: String, dataset: String, modelType: String, uri: URI, hash: String, size: Long, inputNode: Int, numLayers: Int, layerNames: Array[String]) extends Schema with Product with Serializable
Class representing the schema of a CNTK model
Class representing the schema of a CNTK model
- name
name of the model architecture
- dataset
dataset the model was trained on
- modelType
type of problem the model is suited for eg: (image, text, sound, sentiment etc)
- uri
location of the underlying file (local, HDFS, or HTTP)
- hash
sha256 hash of the underlying file
- size
size in bytes of the underlying file
- inputNode
the node which represents the input
- numLayers
the number of layers of the model
- layerNames
the names nodes that represent layers in the network
Schema extends AnyRef
Abstract representation of a schema for an item that can be held in a repository