case class ICENumericFeature(name: String, numSplits: Option[Int] = None, rangeMin: Option[Double] = None, rangeMax: Option[Double] = None, outputColName: Option[String] = None) extends ICEFeature with Product with Serializable

Represents a single numeric feature to be explained by ICE explainer.


The name of the numeric feature.


The number of splits for the value range for the numeric feature. Default: 10.0


Specifies the min value of the range for the numeric feature. If not specified, it will be computed from the background dataset.


Specifies the max value of the range for the numeric feature. If not specified, it will be computed from the background dataset.


The name for output column with explanations for the feature. Default: input name of the feature + "_dependence"

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, ICEFeature, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ICENumericFeature
  2. Serializable
  3. Serializable
  4. Product
  5. Equals
  6. ICEFeature
  7. AnyRef
  8. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new ICENumericFeature(name: String, numSplits: Option[Int] = None, rangeMin: Option[Double] = None, rangeMax: Option[Double] = None, outputColName: Option[String] = None)


    The name of the numeric feature.


    The number of splits for the value range for the numeric feature. Default: 10.0


    Specifies the min value of the range for the numeric feature. If not specified, it will be computed from the background dataset.


    Specifies the max value of the range for the numeric feature. If not specified, it will be computed from the background dataset.


    The name for output column with explanations for the feature. Default: input name of the feature + "_dependence"

Value Members

  1. def getName: String
    Definition Classes
  2. def getNumSplits: Int
  3. def getOutputColName: String
    Definition Classes
  4. val name: String
  5. val numSplits: Option[Int]
  6. val outputColName: Option[String]
  7. val rangeMax: Option[Double]
  8. val rangeMin: Option[Double]
  9. def validate: Boolean
    Definition Classes
    ICENumericFeature → ICEFeature