
package form

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AddressValue(houseNumber: Option[String], poBox: Option[String], road: Option[String], city: Option[String], state: Option[String], postalCode: Option[String], countryRegion: Option[String], streetAddress: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  2. class AnalyzeDocument extends CognitiveServicesBaseNoHandler with HasCognitiveServiceInput with HasInternalJsonOutputParser with BasicAsyncReply with HasPrebuiltModelID with HasPages with HasLocale with HasAPIVersion with HasImageInput with HasSetLocation with SynapseMLLogging with HasSetLinkedService
  3. case class AnalyzeDocumentResponse(status: String, createdDateTime: String, lastUpdatedDateTime: String, analyzeResult: AnalyzeResultV3) extends Product with Serializable
  4. case class AnalyzeResponse(status: String, createdDateTime: String, lastUpdatedDateTime: String, analyzeResult: AnalyzeResult) extends Product with Serializable
  5. case class AnalyzeResult(version: String, readResults: Seq[FormReadResult], pageResults: Option[Seq[PageResult]], documentResults: Option[Seq[DocumentResult]]) extends Product with Serializable
  6. case class AnalyzeResultV3(apiVersion: String, modelId: String, stringIndexType: String, content: String, pages: Seq[PageResultV3], paragraphs: Option[Seq[DocumentParagraph]], tables: Option[Seq[TableResultV3]], keyValuePairs: Option[Seq[KeyValuePairV3]], styles: Option[Seq[FormStyleV3]], languages: Option[Seq[DocumentLanguage]], documents: Option[Seq[FormDocumentV3]]) extends Product with Serializable
  7. case class BoundingRegion(pageNumber: Int, polygon: Seq[Double]) extends Product with Serializable
  8. case class Cell(rowIndex: Int, columnIndex: Int, text: String, boundingBox: Seq[Double], isHeader: Option[Boolean], elements: Seq[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  9. case class CurrencyValue(amount: Double, currencySymbol: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  10. case class DocumentLanguage(locale: String, spans: Seq[FormSpan], confidence: Double) extends Product with Serializable
  11. case class DocumentParagraph(role: Option[String], content: String, boundingRegions: Option[Seq[BoundingRegion]], spans: Seq[FormSpan]) extends Product with Serializable
  12. case class DocumentResult(docType: String, pageRange: Seq[Int], fields: Map[String, FieldResult]) extends Product with Serializable
  13. case class Element(text: String, boundingBox: Seq[Double]) extends Product with Serializable
  14. case class Field(fieldName: String, accuracy: Double) extends Product with Serializable
  15. case class FieldResult(type: String, page: Option[Int], confidence: Option[Double], boundingBox: Option[Seq[Double]], text: Option[String], valueString: Option[String], valuePhoneNumber: Option[String], valueNumber: Option[Double], valueDate: Option[String], valueTime: Option[String], valueObject: Option[String], valueArray: Option[Seq[String]]) extends Product with Serializable
  16. case class FieldResultRecursive(type: String, page: Option[Int], confidence: Option[Double], boundingBox: Option[Seq[Double]], text: Option[String], valueString: Option[String], valuePhoneNumber: Option[String], valueNumber: Option[Double], valueDate: Option[String], valueTime: Option[String], valueObject: Option[Map[String, FieldResultRecursive]], valueArray: Option[Seq[FieldResultRecursive]]) extends Product with Serializable
  17. case class FormBarcode(confidence: Option[Double], kind: Option[String], polygon: Option[Seq[Double]], span: Option[FormSpan], value: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  18. case class FormCell(kind: Option[String], rowIndex: Int, columnIndex: Int, rowSpan: Option[Int], columnSpan: Option[Int], content: String, boundingRegions: Option[Seq[BoundingRegion]], spans: Seq[FormSpan]) extends Product with Serializable
  19. case class FormDocumentV3(docType: String, boundingRegions: Option[Seq[BoundingRegion]], spans: Seq[FormSpan], confidence: Double, fields: Option[Map[String, FormFieldV3]]) extends Product with Serializable
  20. case class FormFieldV3(type: String, content: Option[String], boundingRegions: Option[Seq[BoundingRegion]], confidence: Option[Double], spans: Option[Seq[FormSpan]], valueString: Option[String], valuePhoneNumber: Option[String], valueCountryRegion: Option[String], valueNumber: Option[Double], valueDate: Option[String], valueTime: Option[String], valueObject: Option[String], valueArray: Option[Seq[String]], valueInteger: Option[Int], valueSelectionMark: Option[String], valueSignature: Option[String], valueCurrency: Option[CurrencyValue], valueAddress: Option[AddressValue]) extends Product with Serializable
  21. case class FormKV(content: String, boundingRegions: Option[Seq[BoundingRegion]], spans: Seq[FormSpan]) extends Product with Serializable
  22. case class FormLine(content: String, polygon: Option[Seq[Double]], spans: Option[Seq[FormSpan]]) extends Product with Serializable
  23. class FormOntologyLearner extends Estimator[FormOntologyTransformer] with SynapseMLLogging with DefaultParamsWritable with HasInputCol with HasOutputCol with Wrappable
  24. class FormOntologyTransformer extends Model[FormOntologyTransformer] with SynapseMLLogging with ComplexParamsWritable with HasInputCol with HasOutputCol with Wrappable
  25. case class FormReadResult(page: Int, language: Option[String], angle: Double, width: Double, height: Double, unit: String, lines: Option[Seq[ReadLine]]) extends Product with Serializable
  26. case class FormSelectionMark(state: String, polygon: Option[Seq[Double]], confidence: Double, span: FormSpan) extends Product with Serializable
  27. case class FormSpan(offset: Int, length: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  28. case class FormStyleV3(isHandwritten: Option[Boolean], spans: Seq[FormSpan], confidence: Double) extends Product with Serializable
  29. case class FormWord(content: String, polygon: Option[Seq[Double]], confidence: Double, span: FormSpan) extends Product with Serializable
  30. case class GetCustomModelResponse(modelInfo: ModelInfo, keys: String, trainResult: TrainResult) extends Product with Serializable
  31. trait HasLocale extends HasServiceParams
  32. trait HasModelID extends HasServiceParams
  33. trait HasPages extends HasServiceParams
  34. trait HasPrebuiltModelID extends HasServiceParams
  35. trait HasTextDetails extends HasServiceParams
  36. case class Key(clusters: Map[String, Seq[String]]) extends Product with Serializable
  37. case class KeyValuePair(key: Element, value: Element) extends Product with Serializable
  38. case class KeyValuePairV3(key: FormKV, value: Option[FormKV], confidence: Double) extends Product with Serializable
  39. case class ListCustomModelsResponse(summary: Summary, modelList: Seq[ModelInfo], nextLink: String) extends Product with Serializable
  40. case class ModelInfo(modelId: String, status: String, createDateTime: String, lastUpdatedDateTime: String) extends Product with Serializable
  41. case class PageResult(page: Int, keyValuePairs: Option[Seq[KeyValuePair]], tables: Seq[Table]) extends Product with Serializable
  42. case class PageResultV3(pageNumber: Int, angle: Option[Double], width: Option[Double], height: Option[Double], unit: Option[String], kind: Option[String], spans: Seq[FormSpan], words: Option[Seq[FormWord]], selectionMarks: Option[Seq[FormSelectionMark]], lines: Option[Seq[FormLine]], barcodes: Option[Seq[FormBarcode]]) extends Product with Serializable
  43. case class Summary(count: Int, limit: Int, lastUpdatedDateTime: String) extends Product with Serializable
  44. case class Table(rows: Int, columns: Int, cells: Seq[Cell], boundingBox: Seq[Double]) extends Product with Serializable
  45. case class TableResultV3(rowCount: Int, columnCount: Int, boundingRegions: Option[Seq[BoundingRegion]], spans: Seq[FormSpan], cells: Seq[FormCell]) extends Product with Serializable
  46. case class TrainResult(trainingDocuments: Seq[TrainingDocument], fields: Seq[Field], errors: Seq[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  47. case class TrainingDocument(documentName: String, pages: Int, errors: Seq[String], status: String) extends Product with Serializable
  48. class AnalyzeBusinessCards extends FormRecognizerBase with SynapseMLLogging with HasPages with HasTextDetails with HasLocale

    (Since version v1.0.4)

  49. class AnalyzeCustomModel extends FormRecognizerBase with SynapseMLLogging with HasTextDetails with HasModelID

    (Since version v1.0.4)

  50. class AnalyzeIDDocuments extends FormRecognizerBase with SynapseMLLogging with HasPages with HasTextDetails

    (Since version v1.0.4)

  51. class AnalyzeInvoices extends FormRecognizerBase with SynapseMLLogging with HasPages with HasTextDetails with HasLocale

    (Since version v1.0.4)

  52. class AnalyzeLayout extends FormRecognizerBase with SynapseMLLogging with HasPages

    (Since version v1.0.4)

  53. class AnalyzeReceipts extends FormRecognizerBase with SynapseMLLogging with HasPages with HasTextDetails with HasLocale

    (Since version v1.0.4)

  54. abstract class FormRecognizerBase extends CognitiveServicesBaseNoHandler with HasCognitiveServiceInput with HasInternalJsonOutputParser with BasicAsyncReply with HasImageInput with HasSetLocation with HasSetLinkedService

    (Since version v1.0.4)

  55. class GetCustomModel extends CognitiveServicesBase with HasCognitiveServiceInput with HasInternalJsonOutputParser with HasSetLocation with HasSetLinkedService with SynapseMLLogging with HasModelID

    (Since version v1.0.4)

  56. class ListCustomModels extends CognitiveServicesBase with HasCognitiveServiceInput with HasInternalJsonOutputParser with HasSetLocation with HasSetLinkedService with SynapseMLLogging

    (Since version v1.0.4)

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object AnalyzeBusinessCards extends ComplexParamsReadable[AnalyzeBusinessCards] with Serializable

    (Since version v1.0.4)

  2. object AnalyzeCustomModel extends ComplexParamsReadable[AnalyzeCustomModel] with Serializable

    (Since version v1.0.4)

  3. object AnalyzeIDDocuments extends ComplexParamsReadable[AnalyzeIDDocuments] with Serializable

    (Since version v1.0.4)

  4. object AnalyzeInvoices extends ComplexParamsReadable[AnalyzeInvoices] with Serializable

    (Since version v1.0.4)

  5. object AnalyzeLayout extends ComplexParamsReadable[AnalyzeLayout] with Serializable

    (Since version v1.0.4)

  6. object AnalyzeReceipts extends ComplexParamsReadable[AnalyzeReceipts] with Serializable

    (Since version v1.0.4)

  7. object FormsFlatteners

    (Since version v1.0.4)

  8. object GetCustomModel extends ComplexParamsReadable[GetCustomModel] with Serializable

    (Since version v1.0.4)

  9. object ListCustomModels extends ComplexParamsReadable[ListCustomModels] with Serializable

    (Since version v1.0.4)