package services
- Alphabetic
- Public
- All
Type Members
- abstract class CognitiveServicesBase extends CognitiveServicesBaseNoHandler with HasHandler
- abstract class CognitiveServicesBaseNoHandler extends Transformer with ConcurrencyParams with HasOutputCol with HasURL with ComplexParamsWritable with HasSubscriptionKey with HasErrorCol with HasAADToken with HasCustomCogServiceDomain with SynapseMLLogging with HasGlobalParams
- trait DomainHelper extends AnyRef
- trait HasAADToken extends HasServiceParams
- trait HasAPIVersion extends HasServiceParams
- trait HasCognitiveServiceInput extends HasURL with HasSubscriptionKey with HasAADToken with HasCustomAuthHeader with HasCustomHeaders with SynapseMLLogging
- trait HasCustomAuthHeader extends HasServiceParams
- trait HasCustomCogServiceDomain extends Wrappable with HasURL with HasUrlPath
- trait HasCustomHeaders extends HasServiceParams
- trait HasInternalJsonOutputParser extends AnyRef
- trait HasServiceParams extends Params
- trait HasSetLinkedService extends Wrappable with HasURL with HasSubscriptionKey with HasUrlPath
- trait HasSetLinkedServiceUsingLocation extends HasSetLinkedService with HasSetLocation
- trait HasSetLocation extends Wrappable with HasURL with HasUrlPath with DomainHelper
- trait HasSubscriptionKey extends HasServiceParams
- trait HasUrlPath extends AnyRef
- case class Rectangle(left: Int, top: Int, width: Int, height: Int) extends Product with Serializable
- case class Rectangle2(x: Int, y: Int, w: Int, h: Int) extends Product with Serializable
Value Members
- object OpenAISubscriptionKey extends GlobalKey[Either[String, String]] with Product with Serializable
- object URLEncodingUtils