package exploratory
- Alphabetic
- Public
- All
Type Members
AggregateBalanceMeasure extends Transformer with DataBalanceParams with ComplexParamsWritable with Wrappable with SynapseMLLogging
This transformer computes a set of aggregated balance measures that represents how balanced the given dataframe is along the given sensitive features.
This transformer computes a set of aggregated balance measures that represents how balanced the given dataframe is along the given sensitive features.
The output is a dataframe that contains one column:
- A struct containing measure names and their values showing higher notions of inequality.
The following measures are computed:
- Atkinson Index -
- Theil Index (L and T) -
The output dataframe contains one row.
- Annotations
- @Experimental()
- A struct containing measure names and their values showing higher notions of inequality.
The following measures are computed:
- trait DataBalanceParams extends Params with HasOutputCol
DistributionBalanceMeasure extends Transformer with DataBalanceParams with ComplexParamsWritable with Wrappable with SynapseMLLogging
This transformer computes data balance measures based on a reference distribution.
This transformer computes data balance measures based on a reference distribution. For now, we only support a uniform reference distribution.
The output is a dataframe that contains two columns:
- The sensitive feature name.
- A struct containing measure names and their values showing differences between
the observed and reference distributions. The following measures are computed:
- Kullback-Leibler Divergence -
- Jensen-Shannon Distance -
- Wasserstein Distance -
- Infinity Norm Distance -
- Total Variation Distance -
- Chi-Squared Test -
The output dataframe contains a row per sensitive feature.
- Annotations
- @Experimental()
FeatureBalanceMeasure extends Transformer with DataBalanceParams with HasLabelCol with ComplexParamsWritable with Wrappable with SynapseMLLogging
This transformer computes a set of balance measures from the given dataframe and sensitive features.
This transformer computes a set of balance measures from the given dataframe and sensitive features.
The output is a dataframe that contains four columns:
- The sensitive feature name.
- A feature value within the sensitive feature.
- Another feature value within the sensitive feature.
- A struct containing measure names and their values showing parities between the two feature values.
The following measures are computed:
- Demographic Parity -
- Pointwise Mutual Information -
- Sorensen-Dice Coefficient -
- Jaccard Index -
- Kendall Rank Correlation -
- Log-Likelihood Ratio -
- t-test -'s_t-test
The output dataframe contains a row per combination of feature values for each sensitive feature.
- Annotations
- @Experimental()
Value Members
- object AggregateBalanceMeasure extends ComplexParamsReadable[AggregateBalanceMeasure] with Serializable
- object DistributionBalanceMeasure extends ComplexParamsReadable[DistributionBalanceMeasure] with Serializable
- object FeatureBalanceMeasure extends ComplexParamsReadable[FeatureBalanceMeasure] with Serializable