
package automl

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BestModel extends Model[BestModel] with ComplexParamsWritable with Wrappable with HasBestModel with SynapseMLLogging

    Model produced by FindBestModel.

  2. class DiscreteHyperParam[T] extends Dist[T]
  3. abstract class Dist[T] extends AnyRef

    Represents a distribution of values.

    Represents a distribution of values.


    The type T of the values generated.

  4. class DoubleRangeHyperParam extends RangeHyperParam[Double]
  5. class FindBestModel extends Estimator[BestModel] with FindBestModelParams with SynapseMLLogging

    Evaluates and chooses the best model from a list of models.

  6. trait FindBestModelParams extends Wrappable with ComplexParamsWritable with HasEvaluationMetric
  7. class FloatRangeHyperParam extends RangeHyperParam[Float]
  8. class GridSpace extends ParamSpace

    Represents a parameter grid for tuning with discrete values.

    Represents a parameter grid for tuning with discrete values. Can be generated with the ParamGridBuilder.

  9. trait HasBestModel extends Params
  10. class HyperparamBuilder extends AnyRef

    Specifies the search space for hyperparameters.

  11. class IntRangeHyperParam extends RangeHyperParam[Int]
  12. class LongRangeHyperParam extends RangeHyperParam[Long]
  13. class RandomSpace extends ParamSpace

    Represents a generator of parameters with specified distributions added by the HyperparamBuilder.

  14. abstract class RangeHyperParam[T] extends Dist[T]
  15. class TuneHyperparameters extends Estimator[TuneHyperparametersModel] with Wrappable with ComplexParamsWritable with HasEvaluationMetric with SynapseMLLogging

    Tunes model hyperparameters

    Tunes model hyperparameters

    Allows user to specify multiple untrained models to tune using various search strategies. Currently supports cross validation with random grid search.

  16. class TuneHyperparametersModel extends Model[TuneHyperparametersModel] with ComplexParamsWritable with Wrappable with HasBestModel with SynapseMLLogging

    Model produced by TuneHyperparameters.

Value Members

  1. object BestModel extends ComplexParamsReadable[BestModel] with Serializable
  2. object DefaultHyperparams

    Provides good default hyperparameter ranges and values for sweeping.

    Provides good default hyperparameter ranges and values for sweeping. Publicly visible to users so they can easily select the parameters for sweeping.

  3. object EvaluationUtils
  4. object FindBestModel extends ComplexParamsReadable[FindBestModel] with Serializable
  5. object HyperParamUtils
  6. object TuneHyperparameters extends ComplexParamsReadable[TuneHyperparameters] with Serializable
  7. object TuneHyperparametersModel extends ComplexParamsReadable[TuneHyperparametersModel] with Serializable