
package opencv

  1. Alphabetic
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  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Blur extends ImageTransformerStage

    Blurs the image using a box filter.

    Blurs the image using a box filter. The params are a map of the dimensions of the blurring box. Please refer to OpenCV for more information.

  2. class CenterCropImage extends ImageTransformerStage
  3. class ColorFormat extends ImageTransformerStage

    Converts an image from one color space to another, eg COLOR_BGR2GRAY.

    Converts an image from one color space to another, eg COLOR_BGR2GRAY. Refer to OpenCV for more information.

  4. class CropImage extends ImageTransformerStage

    Crops the image for processing.

    Crops the image for processing. The parameters are: "x" - First dimension; start of crop "y" - second dimension - start of crop "height" -height of cropped image "width" - width of cropped image "stageName" - "crop"

  5. class Flip extends ImageTransformerStage

    Flips the image

  6. class GaussianKernel extends ImageTransformerStage

    Applies gaussian kernel to blur the image.

    Applies gaussian kernel to blur the image. Please refer to OpenCV for detailed information about the parameters and their allowable values.

  7. class ImageSetAugmenter extends Transformer with HasInputCol with HasOutputCol with DefaultParamsWritable with Wrappable with SynapseMLLogging
  8. class ImageTransformer extends Transformer with HasInputCol with HasOutputCol with Wrappable with ComplexParamsWritable with SynapseMLLogging

    Image processing stage.

    Image processing stage. Please refer to OpenCV for additional information

  9. abstract class ImageTransformerStage extends Serializable

    Image processing stage.

  10. class ResizeImage extends ImageTransformerStage

    Resizes the image.

    Resizes the image. The parameters of the ParameterMap are: "height" - the height of the resized image "width" - the width of the resized image "stageName" "size" - the shorter side of the resized image if keep aspect ratio is true, otherwise, the side length of both height and width. "keepAspectRatio" - if true, then the shorter side will be resized to "size" parameter Please refer to OpenCV for more information

  11. class Threshold extends ImageTransformerStage

    Applies a threshold to each element of the image.

    Applies a threshold to each element of the image. Please refer to threshold for more information

Value Members

  1. object Blur extends Serializable
  2. object CenterCropImage extends Serializable
  3. object ColorFormat extends Serializable
  4. object CropImage extends Serializable
  5. object Flip extends Serializable
  6. object GaussianKernel extends Serializable
  7. object ImageSetAugmenter extends DefaultParamsReadable[ImageSetAugmenter] with Serializable
  8. object ImageTransformer extends DefaultParamsReadable[ImageTransformer] with Serializable

    Pipelined image processing.

  9. object ImageTransformerStage extends Serializable
  10. object OpenCVUtils
  11. object ResizeImage extends Serializable

    Resize object contains the information for resizing; "height" "width" "stageName" = "resize"

  12. object Threshold extends Serializable