


object LightGBMConstants

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. LightGBMConstants
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. val BinaryObjective: String

    Binary classification objective

  2. val BulkDataTransferMode: String

    Bulk data transfer mode.

  3. val DefaultBufferLength: Int

    Default buffer length for model

  4. val DefaultDriverListenPort: Int

    The port for LightGBM Driver server, 0 (random)

  5. val DefaultListenTimeout: Int

    The default timeout for LightGBM network initialization

  6. val DefaultLocalListenPort: Int

    The default port for LightGBM network initialization

  7. val DefaultNumIterations: Int

    The default num iterations for prediction

  8. val DefaultStartIteration: Int

    The default start iteration

  9. val DefaultTopK: Int

    Default top_k value for LightGBM voting parallel

  10. val EnabledTask: String

    Enabled task, used to indicate task that creates lightgbm dataset and runs training.

  11. val FinishedStatus: String

    Barrier execution flag telling driver that all tasks have completed sending port and host information

  12. val IgnoreStatus: String

    Ignore task status, used to ignore tasks that get empty partitions

  13. val InitialDelay: Long

    Delay prior to exponential backoff for network initialization

  14. val MaxPort: Int

    Max port range available on machine, 65535

  15. val MulticlassObjective: String

    Multiclass classification objective

  16. val NetworkRetries: Int

    The number of retries for network initialization of native lightgbm

  17. val RankObjective: String

    Lambdarank ranking objective

  18. val StreamingDataTransferMode: String

    Streaming data transfer mode.

  19. val SubsetSamplingModeFixed: String

    Sampling mode take first n rows.

  20. val SubsetSamplingModeGlobal: String

    Sampling mode - random n within all global data.

  21. val SubsetSamplingModeSubset: String

    Sampling mode - random n within subset N.