object LightGBMUtils

Helper utilities for LightGBM learners

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. LightGBMUtils
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. def getExecutorId: String

    Returns the executor ID for the spark Dataset.

    Returns the executor ID for the spark Dataset.


    Returns the executor id.

  2. def getFeaturizer(dataset: Dataset[_], labelColumn: String, featuresColumn: String, weightColumn: Option[String] = None, groupColumn: Option[String] = None, oneHotEncodeCategoricals: Boolean = true): PipelineModel
  3. def getPartitionId: Int

    Returns the partition ID for the spark Dataset.

    Returns the partition ID for the spark Dataset.

    Used to make operations deterministic on same dataset.


    Returns the partition id.

  4. def getTaskId: Long

    Returns a unique task Id for the current task run on the executor.

    Returns a unique task Id for the current task run on the executor.


    A unique task id.

  5. def getWorkerId: Int

    Returns an integer ID for the current worker.

    Returns an integer ID for the current worker.


    In cluster, returns the executor id. In local case, returns the partition id.

  6. def initializeNativeLibrary(): Unit

    Loads the native shared object binaries lib_lightgbm.so and lib_lightgbm_swig.so

  7. def isLocalExecution: Boolean

    Returns true if spark is run in local mode.

    Returns true if spark is run in local mode.


    True if spark is run in local mode.

  8. def validate(result: Int, component: String): Unit
  9. def validateArray(result: SWIGTYPE_p_void, component: String): Unit