
package speech

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CompressedStream extends PullAudioInputStreamCallback
  2. class ConversationTranscription extends SpeechSDKBase with SynapseMLLogging
  3. case class DetailedSpeechResponse(Confidence: Double, Lexical: String, ITN: String, MaskedITN: String, Words: Option[Seq[Word]], Display: String) extends Product with Serializable
  4. trait HasLocaleCol extends HasServiceParams
  5. trait HasTextCol extends HasServiceParams
  6. trait HasVoiceNameCol extends HasServiceParams
  7. case class SSMLConversation(Begin: Int, End: Int, Content: String, Role: String, Style: String) extends Product with Serializable
  8. trait SharedSpeechFields extends AnyRef
  9. class SpeakerEmotionInference extends CognitiveServicesBase with HasLocaleCol with HasVoiceNameCol with HasTextCol with HasSetLocation with HasCognitiveServiceInput with HasInternalJsonOutputParser with SynapseMLLogging
  10. case class SpeakerEmotionInferenceError(errorCode: String, errorDetails: String) extends Product with Serializable
  11. case class SpeakerEmotionInferenceResponse(IsValid: Boolean, Conversations: Seq[SSMLConversation]) extends Product with Serializable
  12. case class SpeechResponse(RecognitionStatus: String, Offset: Long, Duration: Long, Id: Option[String], DisplayText: Option[String], NBest: Option[Seq[DetailedSpeechResponse]]) extends SharedSpeechFields with Product with Serializable
  13. abstract class SpeechSDKBase extends Transformer with HasSetLocation with HasServiceParams with HasOutputCol with HasURL with HasSubscriptionKey with ComplexParamsWritable with SynapseMLLogging with HasSetLinkedServiceUsingLocation
  14. case class SpeechSynthesisError(errorCode: String, errorDetails: String, errorReason: String) extends Product with Serializable
  15. class SpeechToText extends CognitiveServicesBase with HasCognitiveServiceInput with HasInternalJsonOutputParser with HasSetLocation with SynapseMLLogging with HasSetLinkedServiceUsingLocation
  16. class SpeechToTextSDK extends SpeechSDKBase with SynapseMLLogging
  17. class TextToSpeech extends Transformer with HasSetLocation with HasServiceParams with HasErrorCol with HasURL with HasSubscriptionKey with ComplexParamsWritable with SynapseMLLogging with HasSetLinkedServiceUsingLocation
  18. case class TranscriptionParticipant(name: String, language: String, signature: String) extends Product with Serializable
  19. case class TranscriptionResponse(RecognitionStatus: String, Offset: Long, Duration: Long, Id: Option[String], DisplayText: Option[String], NBest: Option[Seq[DetailedSpeechResponse]], SpeakerId: String, Type: String, UtteranceId: String) extends SharedSpeechFields with Product with Serializable
  20. class WavStream extends PullAudioInputStreamCallback

    Code adapted from /blob/master/samples/java/jre/console/src/com/microsoft/ cognitiveservices/speech/samples/console/

  21. case class Word(Duration: Long, Offset: Long, Word: String) extends Product with Serializable