
package vw

  1. Alphabetic
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  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ContextualBanditMetrics extends Serializable
  2. class ExampleStack extends AnyRef
  3. trait HasAdditionalFeatures extends Params

    VW support multiple input columns which are mapped to namespaces.

    VW support multiple input columns which are mapped to namespaces. Note: when one wants to create quadratic features within VW you'd specify additionalFeatures. Each feature column is treated as one namespace. Using -q 'uc' for columns 'user' and 'content' you'd get all quadratics for features in user/content (the first letter is called feature group and VW users are used to it... before somebody starts complaining ;)

  4. trait HasNumBits extends Params

    Controls hashing parameters such us number of bits (numbits) and how to handle collisions.

  5. trait HasSumCollisions extends Params

    Controls hashing parameters such us number of bits (numbits) and how to handle collisions.

  6. final case class KahanSum(sum: Double = 0, c: Double = 0) extends Product with Serializable

    Aggregator state.

    Aggregator state.


    the accumulator


    a running compensation for lost low-order bits


    cannot use generics for double vs float due to perf:

  7. class KahanSumAggregator extends Aggregator[Float, KahanSum, Float] with Serializable with SynapseMLLogging

    Implementation of Kahan summation (

    Implementation of Kahan summation (

    Kahan-Babushka-Neumaier sum aggregator make sure lots of small numbers are accumulated numerically stable.

  8. case class NamespaceInfo(hash: Int, featureGroup: Char, colIdx: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  9. case class PathAndData(path: String, bytes: Array[Byte]) extends Product with Serializable
  10. abstract class PredictionBuffer extends Serializable

    Collects predictions.

  11. class PredictionBufferDiscard extends PredictionBuffer
  12. class PredictionBufferKeep extends PredictionBuffer
  13. case class TrainContext(vw: VowpalWabbitNative, synchronizationSchedule: VowpalWabbitSyncSchedule, predictionBuffer: PredictionBuffer = new PredictionBufferDiscard, collectOneStepAheadPrediction: Boolean = false, contextualBanditMetrics: ContextualBanditMetrics = new ContextualBanditMetrics, totalTime: StopWatch = new StopWatch, nativeIngestTime: StopWatch = new StopWatch, learnTime: StopWatch = new StopWatch, multipassTime: StopWatch = new StopWatch) extends Product with Serializable
  14. case class TrainingResult(model: Option[Array[Byte]], stats: TrainingStats) extends Product with Serializable
  15. case class TrainingStats(partitionId: Int, arguments: String, learningRate: Double, powerT: Double, hashSeed: Int, numBits: Int, numberOfExamplesPerPass: Long, weightedExampleSum: Double, weightedLabelSum: Double, averageLoss: Double, bestConstant: Float, bestConstantLoss: Float, totalNumberOfFeatures: Long, timeTotalNs: Long, timeNativeIngestNs: Long, timeLearnNs: Long, timeMultipassNs: Long, ipsEstimate: Double, snipsEstimate: Double) extends Product with Serializable
  16. class VectorZipper extends Transformer with HasInputCols with HasOutputCol with Wrappable with ComplexParamsWritable with SynapseMLLogging

    Combine one or more input columns into a sequence in the output column.

  17. trait VowpalWabbitBase extends Wrappable with ComplexParamsWritable with Logging
  18. trait VowpalWabbitBaseLearner extends VowpalWabbitBase

    Base implementation of VowpalWabbit learners.

    Base implementation of VowpalWabbit learners.


    parameters that regularly are swept through are exposed as proper parameters.

  19. trait VowpalWabbitBaseModel extends Params

    Base trait to wrap the model for prediction.

  20. trait VowpalWabbitBaseModelSpark extends VowpalWabbitBaseModel with HasFeaturesCol with HasRawPredictionCol with HasAdditionalFeatures

    Base implementation for models that use Spark-based features and result in Spark vectors

  21. trait VowpalWabbitBaseProgressive extends Transformer with VowpalWabbitBase

    VowpalWabbit is focused on online learning.

    VowpalWabbit is focused on online learning. In these settings it is common to operate in progressive validation using a 1-step ahead approach. By default when VW learns from data, it first computes the prediction without learning and then updates the model from the new data. This is especially useful in bandit scenarios as one wants to avoid cheating - as in "knowing the future".

  22. trait VowpalWabbitBaseSpark extends VowpalWabbitBaseLearner with HasLabelCol with HasWeightCol with HasFeaturesCol with HasAdditionalFeatures

    * Base implementation for estimators that use Spark-based features (e.g.

    * Base implementation for estimators that use Spark-based features (e.g. SparkML vectors)

  23. class VowpalWabbitCSETransformer extends Transformer with SynapseMLLogging with Wrappable with ComplexParamsWritable

    Emits continuous success experimentation metrics for contextual bandit style predictions and logs.

  24. class VowpalWabbitClassificationModel extends ProbabilisticClassificationModel[Row, VowpalWabbitClassificationModel] with VowpalWabbitBaseModelSpark with ComplexParamsWritable with Wrappable with SynapseMLLogging
  25. class VowpalWabbitClassifier extends ProbabilisticClassifier[Row, VowpalWabbitClassifier, VowpalWabbitClassificationModel] with VowpalWabbitBaseSpark with ComplexParamsWritable with SynapseMLLogging

    VowpalWabbit exposed as SparkML classifier.

  26. class VowpalWabbitClusterUtil extends AnyRef

    Helper to spin up spanning tree coordinator for AllReduce.

  27. class VowpalWabbitContextualBandit extends Predictor[Row, VowpalWabbitContextualBandit, VowpalWabbitContextualBanditModel] with VowpalWabbitContextualBanditBase with HasParallelismInjected with ComplexParamsWritable with SynapseMLLogging
  28. trait VowpalWabbitContextualBanditBase extends VowpalWabbitBaseSpark
  29. class VowpalWabbitContextualBanditModel extends PredictionModel[Row, VowpalWabbitContextualBanditModel] with VowpalWabbitBaseModelSpark with VowpalWabbitContextualBanditBase with ComplexParamsWritable with SynapseMLLogging
  30. class VowpalWabbitDSJsonTransformer extends Transformer with SynapseMLLogging with Wrappable with ComplexParamsWritable
  31. class VowpalWabbitFeaturizer extends Transformer with HasInputCols with HasOutputCol with HasNumBits with HasSumCollisions with Wrappable with ComplexParamsWritable with SynapseMLLogging

    Exposes VW-style featurizer using hashing to SparkML eco system.

  32. class VowpalWabbitGeneric extends Estimator[VowpalWabbitGenericModel] with VowpalWabbitBaseLearner with HasInputCol with SynapseMLLogging

    This Estimator supports driving VW using VW-style examples (e.g.

    This Estimator supports driving VW using VW-style examples (e.g. 0 |a b c)

  33. class VowpalWabbitGenericModel extends Model[VowpalWabbitGenericModel] with VowpalWabbitBaseModel with HasInputCol with ComplexParamsWritable with Wrappable with SynapseMLLogging
  34. class VowpalWabbitGenericProgressive extends Transformer with VowpalWabbitBaseProgressive with HasInputCol with SynapseMLLogging

    VW-style string based input implementation of online learning with progressive (1-step ahead) output.

  35. class VowpalWabbitInteractions extends Transformer with HasInputCols with HasOutputCol with HasNumBits with HasSumCollisions with Wrappable with ComplexParamsWritable with SynapseMLLogging

    This transformer is not intended to be used with VW classifier or regressor, but rather to bring sparse interaction concept to other SparkML learners (e.g.

    This transformer is not intended to be used with VW classifier or regressor, but rather to bring sparse interaction concept to other SparkML learners (e.g. LR).

  36. class VowpalWabbitMurmurWithPrefix extends Serializable

    VW style murmur hash with pre-hashing of an initially specified prefix.

  37. class VowpalWabbitRegressionModel extends RegressionModel[Row, VowpalWabbitRegressionModel] with VowpalWabbitBaseModelSpark with ComplexParamsWritable with Wrappable with SynapseMLLogging
  38. class VowpalWabbitRegressor extends BaseRegressor[Row, VowpalWabbitRegressor, VowpalWabbitRegressionModel] with VowpalWabbitBaseSpark with ComplexParamsWritable with SynapseMLLogging

    VowpalWabbit exposed as SparkML regressor.

  39. trait VowpalWabbitSyncSchedule extends Serializable

    Defines when VW needs to synchronize across partitions.

  40. class VowpalWabbitSyncScheduleDisabled extends VowpalWabbitSyncSchedule
  41. class VowpalWabbitSyncScheduleSplits extends VowpalWabbitSyncSchedule

    Row-count based splitting.

Value Members

  1. object KahanSum extends Serializable
  2. object PredictionBuffer extends Serializable
  3. object TrainingStats extends Serializable
  4. object VectorUtils
  5. object VectorZipper extends ComplexParamsReadable[VectorZipper] with Serializable
  6. object VowpalWabbitCSETransformer extends ComplexParamsReadable[VowpalWabbitCSETransformer] with Serializable
  7. object VowpalWabbitClassificationModel extends ComplexParamsReadable[VowpalWabbitClassificationModel] with Serializable
  8. object VowpalWabbitClassifier extends ComplexParamsReadable[VowpalWabbitClassifier] with Serializable
  9. object VowpalWabbitClusterUtil
  10. object VowpalWabbitContextualBandit extends ComplexParamsReadable[VowpalWabbitContextualBandit] with Serializable
  11. object VowpalWabbitContextualBanditModel extends ComplexParamsReadable[VowpalWabbitContextualBanditModel] with Serializable
  12. object VowpalWabbitDSJsonTransformer extends ComplexParamsReadable[VowpalWabbitDSJsonTransformer] with Serializable
  13. object VowpalWabbitFeaturizer extends ComplexParamsReadable[VowpalWabbitFeaturizer] with Serializable
  14. object VowpalWabbitGeneric extends ComplexParamsReadable[VowpalWabbitGeneric] with Serializable
  15. object VowpalWabbitGenericModel extends ComplexParamsReadable[VowpalWabbitGenericModel] with Serializable
  16. object VowpalWabbitGenericProgressive extends ComplexParamsReadable[VowpalWabbitGenericProgressive] with Serializable
  17. object VowpalWabbitInteractions extends ComplexParamsReadable[VowpalWabbitInteractions] with Serializable
  18. object VowpalWabbitPrediction

    Provide schemas and accessor functions for almost all VW prediction types.

  19. object VowpalWabbitRegressionModel extends ComplexParamsReadable[VowpalWabbitRegressionModel] with Serializable
  20. object VowpalWabbitRegressor extends ComplexParamsReadable[VowpalWabbitRegressor] with Serializable
  21. object VowpalWabbitSchema
  22. object VowpalWabbitSyncSchedule extends Serializable
  23. object VowpalWabbitUtil